How to Manage Weight in Children
Require that your child eats breakfast every morning. Children who skip breakfast tend to do more snacking throughout the day, which leads to weight gain. Prepare a breakfast that contains at least three of the five food groups. Keep whole-grain cereal packs and breakfast bars on hand for breakfast that must be eaten on the go.
Get rid of junk food and replace it with healthy snacks. Eliminate all sugary drinks, cookies, cakes and candy and replace them with fruit, nuts, grains and string cheese. When you do away with unhealthy snacks, children are left with only healthy options.
Pack healthy lunches that represent the food pyramid. School lunches may not always include the healthiest selections. The easiest way to monitor intake is to pack a lunch that includes one serving from each section of the food guide pyramid. Treats such as cookies or cupcakes should be packed only on special occasions.
Discourage eating in front of the television. Require that meals be eaten at the table as a family. Eating meals together encourages conversation, which also encourages children to eat more slowly. Eating slowly prevents overeating in that it gives the brain a chance to catch up with the stomach's activity.
Increase your child's physical activity. Children should spend at least one hour per day engaged in a physical activity. Encourage your older children to get involved in a sport that they enjoy the most. Provide younger children with toys that encourage movement such as balls, jump ropes and bicycles.
Set a bedtime. Lack of sleep can lead to a lack of concentration as well as weight gain. Set a time that allows children to sleep for at least 10 hours every night.
Set a good example by following the guidelines that you have set for your children. Children will learn to mirror your behavior as well as your eating habits. Showing them that you are following the guide that you set for them will help to reinforce the importance of healthy eating choices.