Underweight Risk Factors

If you're underweight you might be at risk for several unexpected health concerns. Not maintaining a healthy weight can cause reproductive issues and chronic fatigue. Being underweight can also be an indication of problems caused by hypothyroidism or anemia. This condition is especially dangerous for pregnant women because of the risk it poses to the unborn baby.
  1. Fertility Problems

    • Fertility issues are the most common problem caused by being underweight. Underweight women often have difficulty trying to conceive because ovulation cycles become irregular sometimes not happening for months at a time. Men who are underweight also experience fertility problems, ranging from lower sperm count to lowered motility. People experiencing fertility problems from being underweight will often be placed on a special diet to help them gain a few pounds.

    Pregnancy Risks

    • Being underweight during pregnancy can be dangerous for the pregnant woman and her baby. Pregnancy requires about 300 more calories per day of food intake to keep the baby healthy, and if the woman is underweight this number is higher. If the pregnant woman does not gain adequate weight during pregnancy, the child will likely be born at a low birth weight. Other risks include the possibility of a premature delivery, which can result in an underdeveloped respiratory system in the baby.

    Other Physical Effects

    • Being underweight can cause you to tire easily even from activities that aren't normally strenuous. It's harder for an underweight person to regulate his temperature as well, leading him to become cold easier than other people. Being underweight can cause psychological problems as well.

    Underweight as a Symptom

    • Being underweight may be an indicator of something more serious than just not eating enough. The inability to gain weight can signify a problem with hypothyroidism, which causes you to be unable to metabolize food properly. It can also indicate a problem with type 1 diabetes or anemia. Being underweight can indicate a malabsorption issue, where nutrients from food is not being properly absorbed during digestion. Being underweight can also be an indication of an eating disorder such as anorexia or bulimia.

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