How to Get a Small Waistline
Engage in cardiovascular activities, which will melt fat away from your entire body, including your stomach and waist. In order to burn fat, perform exercises such as walking, running, rowing and swimming. Running is one of the best exercises you can do to trim your middle, since it will not only help you get rid of excess fat but it also tones your stomach at the same time.
Perform exercises that will trim your middle. Bicycle sit-ups are one great way to do this. To do these types of crunches start off as you would for a traditional sit-up, and then bring your left elbow to your right knee, then reverse the motion with your right elbow. Dance moves or just dancing in general will help trim your waist too, since most dance moves utilize your abdominal muscles. Pull-ups help to give the illusion of a small waist as well because they work your latissimus dorsi, the muscles running from your armpits to your hips.
Maintain a balanced diet. Avoid foods with high sodium and carbonated drinks. Limit your intake of sweets and curb the cravings by munching on fruit instead.
Drink water throughout the day. This will keep you hydrated and will eliminate bloat, which can hinder the appearance of a trim waist. When you're bloated your body appears rounder.