How to Curb Hunger Pains
Eat breakfast everyday. According to, people who eat breakfast will take in 100 less calories throughout the day. If you are unable to eat a lot in the morning, eat a small piece of fruit or a granola bar and have a small snack before lunch.
Eat the right snacks. Some snacks, such as strawberries, broccoli and sweet potatoes, will suppress hunger. Such low-calorie snacks will help you feel more satisfied than eating chips before a meal.
Do breathing exercises. If you are stressed about something, your body will develop a resistance to leptin, a hormone that helps you feel full. To begin your breathing exercises, count to five while you exhale. Then, count to five again as you inhale fully. Repeat the steps for five minutes.
Drink more water. Water is both healthy and filling. Sometimes, you think you are hungry when you are actually thirsty. Before you grab something to eat, drink a glass of water and see if your hunger subsides.
Trick your body by taking a whiff of vanilla if you are craving something sweet. According to, "The inherent sweetness of vanilla sends neuropeptides into a kind of sensory overload that fools you into feeling like you've satisfied your sweet tooth." Vanilla body lotion or extract will work for this purpose.
Take out your blender and make a smoothie. Blending increases serving size by adding air but not calories. Whether you like strawberry, pineapple, banana or raspberry, there are many flavors you can choose from when making your smoothie.