How to Stop Yourself From Becoming Fat and Lazy
Decide what your most important goals are and begin to tackle them. Don't worry about other distractions. If you have a long list of goals, you may be procrastinating on all of them because the list is too overwhelming. Focus on just one or two goals for now. When you've completed those, your sense of accomplishment will energize you and make it easier to tackle the next things on your list.
Don't oversleep. The more you sleep, the lazier you are likely to become and, in a vicious cycle, the more prone you are to oversleeping. Decide on a reasonable time to get up -- especially on weekends -- and stick to it. When you hear the morning alarm, do not reach for the snooze button, but simply get up and get your morning started. If you find you lack energy later in the day, take a 20-minute nap if you need to. Do not nap for more than 20 minutes. Otherwise you risk falling back into your oversleeping pattern.
Decide whether you want to lose weight or maintain your current weight. Choose a type of exercise that you enjoy and make a specific plan for fitting it into your life.
Exercise regularly. Swimming, cycling, jogging, skiing, aerobic dancing and walking are only some of the activities you can begin enjoying and engaging in to keep yourself fit or to lose weight. You may listen to music or watch television while you exercise to entertain yourself during the workout. It doesn't have to be a high-impact activity right away. Go easy on yourself and slowly increase the duration and strength of your exercise session. Incorporate your exercise routine into your daily life and even strive to find a fitness buddy with whom you can exercise and share progress and encouragement. Keep a log of your progress.
Rearrange your diet if necessary. Stop eating convenience foods that are high in fats, sugars and processed carbohydrates. Do not overindulge in junk food. Don't eat four hours before bedtime unless it is a fruit. Eat five to six small meals throughout the day for energy and to avoid getting too hungry. Have vegetables at every lunch and dinner, and eat fruits and vegetables between meals as snacks. Stick to this regimen and find healthy foods that you enjoy.