How to Tell If You're Gaining Weight

There are different ways you can tell if you are gaining weight. Sometimes you can tell just by looking at yourself in the mirror. Other times you may notice that you feel sluggish and unmotivated. Knowing why you are gaining weight is essential to understanding how your body works. According to WebMD, being more than 40 percent overweight puts you at risk for a variety of health problems, including hypertension, diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Things You'll Need

  • Regular pair of pants or shorts
  • Loose fitting pants or shorts
  • Shoes
  • Scale
  • Flat surface
  • Pen
  • Notepad
  • Tape measure
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  1. Clothing and Shoe Test

    • 1

      Try on a pair of shorts or pants that you usually wear that provide a comfortable fit. Take note of how they fit on your body. Are you struggling to button them? Do you have to hold your breath just to get them on? If they feel too tight, then this is a sign that you are gaining weight.

    • 2

      Put on a pair of pants that are usually too big on you. Just about everyone has a "bigger" pair of jeans they keep on hand. If these pants now provide a good fit, this could be a sign that you are gaining weight.

    • 3

      Slip on a pair of shoes that you normally wear. If they fit tighter than usual, this is also a sign you are gaining weight. This is because the feet are a common area for weight gain when a person puts on a few extra pounds. Also, take note of any foot problems you are having. In an online survey conducted by the education committee of the American Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Society to determine if a link between foot pain and weight gain existed, 6,000 subjects were surveyed. Results of the study showed that an increase in weight of as little as 10 pounds could trigger foot problems.

    Scale Test

    • 4

      Place a scale on an even, flat surface. You can tell whether the surface is flat by how the scale lays. If it wobbles, move it to a smoother, steadier surface. This is important because an uneven surface can interfere with the weight the scale provides.

    • 5

      Remove all clothes, except for undergarments. This is important because jeans, shoes and heavy shirts or sweaters can add extra weight and effect the weight the scale provides.

    • 6

      Step onto the scale. To find out if you are gaining weight, you must first have a starting point to refer to. Take note of your weight by writing it down in your journal or a piece of paper.

    • 7

      Wait one week and step on the scale again. Take note of your weight and write it down in your journal. Waiting one week is a general guideline to assess weight gain, according to Life, because this is the amount of time it takes for most people to put on 2 to 3 pounds.

    • 8

      Compare the numbers from the first week to the second week. Determine whether you are gaining weight by calculating the difference between the numbers.

    Tape Measure Test

    • 9

      Measure the area around your bust by taking the beginning of the tape measure and wrapping it around your bust line. Take accurate measurements by measuring the fullest area of the bust line. This means measuring the area where the bust line protrudes the most. Write down the body part you are measuring and the measurement next to it.

    • 10

      Take measurements around your waist. Place the tape measure near your belly button when starting the measurement. Wrap the entire tape measure around the fullest part of your waist. If your belly protrudes a bit, do not attempt to push this area down with the measuring tape. Firmly pull the measuring tape, but don't make it overly tight. Write down the body part and the measurement next to it.

    • 11

      Measure the area around the hips. This area is located between the upper thigh and lower thigh. Place the tape in between these two areas of the body, which is usually around the mid-part of the buttocks. Firmly pull the tape measure, but don't make it overly tight. Write down the part of the body you measured and the measurement next to it.

    • 12

      Allow two weeks to pass. Use your tape measure to measure these same areas of the body again. Note these measurements in your book. Compare numbers to determine if you are gaining weight. Larger measurements taken during the second week indicate that you are gaining weight. Numbers that do not change let you know you are stabilizing your weight. Smaller numbers indicate you are losing weight.

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