How to Use Quick Trim Fast Cleanse

QuickTrim's FastCleanse is a liquid dietary supplement designed to promote the release of water weight, belly bloating and intestinal bulk. QuickTrim claims you can lose up to two dress sizes in two days. Each serving of the lemon-flavored product contains 65 calories, 16g of carbohydrate, 14g of sodium and no fat. The formula also includes a detox blend with soy sprouts, oat fiber, barley malt, aloe vera gel and licorice root extract, among other ingredients. Always consult your doctor before adding any supplement to your diet.


    • 1

      Pour 4 oz. of water into a glass.

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      Add 4 oz. of QuickTrim FastCleanse to the water and stir with a spoon. Consume this mixture four times a day between meals. Limit your intake of grains, proteins and processed foods. Consume more vegetables, fruits and clear soups.

    • 3

      Increase your water intake and strive for eight 8 oz.. glasses of water each day. Dilute juices with water and drink only caffeine-free teas.

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