Signs That You're Gaining Weight
Tight Clothing
One way to know for sure that you are gaining weight is that your clothing begins to fit more snugly. For women, a tightening bra is often common when putting on weight. Having to buy new clothing in a size larger means that you have gained enough to have a noticeable difference in your body shape.
Hard to Recognize
If you put on a large amount of weight, people may not be able to recognize you after not seeing you for a while. You may also have trouble recognizing yourself when you see current pictures, as you are used to seeing yourself at a smaller size.
Places you used to relax in may become less comfortable with weight gain. For example, a seat in your home or car may feel smaller and less spacious. It may be more difficult to get comfortable when trying to relax.
Out of Shape
If you've put on an excess amount of body fat, you may experience difficulty when performing physical activities. It may be easier for you to become breathless when trying to exercise or simply when moving around more than normal. You may also experience aches and pains in your limbs following physical activity.