What Are the Best Body-Balancing Diets?
Myrna Lynn's Body Balance Diet
As the name suggests, Myrna Lynn's Body Balance Diet is a dieting program specifically designed to tackle losing weight in an even and balanced way. The four sections tackled by the program include a balanced mindset, nutrition, diet and exercise regime. According to the Body Balance Diet website, a balanced mindset is crucial to mastering the other three disciplines and the course calls specifically on the dieting community to help inspire one another and allay any lifestyle fears. Nutritional balance of the diet involves taking supplements and a balanced eating and exercise regime has the dieter eating a healthy balanced set of meals, and training using the CrossFit core strength and conditioning program.
pH Body-Balancing Diet
Dieters on pH body-balancing regimes must eat green foods like lettuce. According to Dr. Perry Nickelston, DC, an acidic body pH level can have a significant effect on a person's weight. When people consume foods with a highly acidic pH level (e.g. continental breakfasts, muffins or carbonated drinks), the body suffers from what is called acidosis or over-acidification. This makes the body fight the acidification in an attempt to neutralize the natural balance of pH. This can lead to a person becoming under or overweight. The pH body-balancing diet is a regime that attempts to neutralize the body's acidity with high-alkaline food and drink. Alkaline pH diets often involve foods such as green vegetables, wheat, alfalfa grasses and fruits such as limes, tomatoes and avocados.
Balanced Diet and Exercise
According to News Medical, the most effective way of losing weight is to balance your body's intake of food with exercise. In particular, the website urges dieters to avoid fat-burning pills that promise to force cells to burn fat stores instead of carbohydrates. Instead, News Medical suggests that balancing your body's exercise with its daily intake of food is the most effective weight-loss program. Essentially, as long as you burn more calories than you put in your body, you lose weight. The key to this is balancing a diet that provides you with enough energy to exercise and not too many calories to negate your hard work.
Body-Balancing Mistakes to Avoid
Keep your body's metabolism balanced by avoiding coffee. Some dieters, whether accidental or not, end up giving too much or not enough attention to certain aspects of a body-balancing diet. The MSN Today website reveals that people often eat much less than they should when dieting. With body-balancing diets, this unbalances things quite significantly. Cutting back on food slows down your metabolism and your body breaks down vital calorie-burning muscle tissue for energy. Combat this by eating just enough to stop you feeling hungry: low-calorie mid-morning and afternoon snacks work well. Other things to avoid that cause an unbalanced metabolism are caffeine and white carbohydrates.