Drawbacks of a Personal Trainer
First and foremost, hiring a personal trainer can be an expensive venture. Rates can go from $50 to over $100 an hour, and those hours add up quickly. If you see a personal trainer several times a week, for instance, the cost involved can be what some people spend on food, rent, or a mortgage. One way to trim the cost (if you still want to use a personal trainer) is to meet once a week to check your progress, and have the trainer give you exercises and routines you can do at home for free.
Another disadvantage to using a personal training is scheduling your sessions. Certain trainers have specific hours that may not work for you, such as early in the morning, or very late at night. This is unlike an exercise routine you do at home, since you could conceivably fit a session in anytime you want. Primo training times, such as early evenings and weekends, may be booked quickly by your trainer, leaving only the most inconvenient slots for you to have your sessions.
Personality conflict is also a potential drawback of using a personal trainer. Not every trainer and client get along. If your initial experience with a trainer is negative, you may give up on exercise and fitness altogether. If you do use a trainer, find one whose style and personality is a good match with yours.
Finally, due to the nature of their business, many personal trainers must be part-time salespeople, and this can put pressure on their clients. After all, trainers don't make any money unless someone uses their services. So when your sessions come to an end, you may find your trainer pushing for more sessions than you want or need. Plan on being polite, but firm, if this should happen. Thank the trainer for his time and what he taught you, but state that you will continue your exercise routine on your own from this point.