Simple Low Weight Diets
Portion Control
A serving of cooked or raw vegetables is the size of a baseball. Controlling your portion size is one simple way to lose weight. Many of us tend to underestimate the amount of food we eat and overestimate the recommended portion sizes for many foods. Pay attention to the number of servings listed on the food label. If something is listed as four servings, that is four individual portions.
Simple Ways To Remember Correct Portion Size
If it's the fizz you like, try calorie free flavored seltzer water. Compare foods to every day objects. One serving size of meat is about the size of a deck of cards. About 2 tbsp. of butter is the size of two dice. A serving of rice or pasta is a 1/2 cup or the size of a rounded handful -- this is also a good measurement of a snack serving of chips or pretzels. A large egg is about the same as a serving of dried fruit or nuts.
Cutting Calories
Cut 500 calories from your diet per day and you will lose about 1 lb. per week. Switch to skim milk and skip the whipped cream for your morning latte, it will save you a hundred calories and almost a half a day's serving of saturated fat. Skip the high calorie soda with lunch and grab zero calorie water instead. Trade your usual late night snack of calorie laden foods for some wholesome fruits or nuts.
Other Points To Remember
Keep your kitchen stocked with easy to grab fruits, vegetables and fiber rich foods. Go for whole grain foods that will keep you full longer. Avoid fried foods, opt for grilled or broiled instead. Blot excess fat off food before eating with a paper towel. Make sure to eat at least three meals a day to keep your metabolism going. Drink plenty of water to keep yourself full and well hydrated.