How to Convert BMI
Check your weight in pounds.
Multiply your weight in pounds by 703. For example, if you weigh 142 pounds, multiply 142 by 703 to get 99,826.
Work out your height in inches, and multiply this by itself. Multiply feet by 12 to find inches. If you are 5 feet tall, this is 60 inches. 60 x 60 is 3,600.
Divide the number you got for your weight x 703 by your height in inches squared. In the above example, you would divide 99,826 by 3,600, which is 27.729.
Check your result with the weight status categories. A BMI of 18.5 and below is classified as "Underweight." Between 18.5 and 24.9 is "Normal." Between 25 and 29.9 is "Overweight" and above 30 is "Obese."
Calculate your "Normal" weight by running the calculation in reverse. Multiply your height in inches by itself and multiply this by 24. In the example above for someone 5 feet tall, this would be 60 x 60 x 24, which is 86,400. Divide this by 703 to find the weight in pounds that would give a BMI of 24. 86,400 divided by 703 is 122.9 lbs. This would need to be your weight to have a "Normal" BMI of 24.