How to Use Clif Builder's Bars for Weight Loss
Incorporate the Clif Builder's bar into a healthy, well-rounded diet. The Clif Builder's bar is not a meal replacement and should not be used as such. Determine the number of calories you should be eating a day by consulting a nutritionist, and then account for the 270-calorie Builder's bar in your diet plan. According to, a moderately active adult female in her 30s should consume about 2,000 calories a day and a moderately active adult male in his 30s should consume 2,400 to 2,600 calories a day. These numbers vary depending on age and lifestyle and should only be used as guidelines.
Eat a Clif Builder's Bar as a snack before or after working out. It will provide energy to help sustain you during a fitness routine and can also help your muscles recover post-workout.
Engage in a cardiovascular and muscle-strengthening fitness routine that allows you to burn more calories than you take in. This is the ultimate source of weight loss, which cannot be healthily achieved otherwise.