Mormon Diets
Mormon Code: Word of Wisdom
The Word of Wisdom was "given for a principle with a promise" (Doctrine & Covenants 89:3) to the Latter-day Saints in 1833. The Mormons believe a principle is an enduring truth and a rule you can adopt to guide you in making decisions. Principles for the Mormons are not generally spelled out. This leaves the people free to find their way using the principles as an anchor. The leaders of the church affirm that the Word of Wisdom does not promise you perfect health, but it teaches how to keep the body you were born with in the best possible condition.
Fruits, Vegetables and Dairy Products
Mormons generally focus on healthy foods of all kinds to insure they are getting the nutrients the body needs. They understand from studies that eating plenty of vegetables and fruits can help you ward off heart disease and stroke. They recognize the need for calcium found in dairy products to lower the risk of osteoporosis and colon cancer. Mormons support healthy living and generally adhere to the latest dietary guidelines.
Grains, Lean Meats and Poultry
The Word of Wisdom states grains were made for the use of man and are rich in fiber and nutrients. Consuming whole grains is recommended and recent studies show the need for three servings per day. Mormons are counseled to use common sense in matters of health and nutrition and to avoid being extreme or fanatical. Meats are to be eaten in moderation; Mormons typically consume one to two servings of lean meat, poultry or fish daily, which allows for enough protein to feel satisfied, maintain muscle mass, and effectively fight disease and infections.
The Word of Wisdom places some restrictions on its members. In order to be in good standing in the church, you must refrain from any coffee, tea, alcohol, and tobacco products which are specifically listed in the code. Church leaders regularly advise council members to abstain from drugs and other habit-forming substances not specified in the Word of Wisdom.