How to Build Muscle & Tone Workouts
Warm up by running in place for two minutes. Try to land softly and on the balls of your feet to prevent injury and lower the impact on your joints.
Do 10 to 20 pull-ups, depending on your ability. Hold on to an overhanging bar and pull yourself up with your arms so your feet leave the ground and your chin becomes parallel with the bar. Then slowly lower yourself so your arms are straight. Try not to touch the ground between pull-ups for added exercise. Perform the set of pull-ups in a slow and controlled manner.
Perform 20 to 40 push-ups, depending on your ability. Lie on the ground on your stomach. Put your hands palm-side down on the ground. Keep your entire body straight as you straighten your arms. Lower yourself back down so your nose is an inch off the ground. Do each push-up in a slow and controlled manner.
Lie on your back and straighten your legs. Raise your legs 12 inches into the air. Hold your legs in the air for one minute or as long as you can and then lower them to the floor. Repeat the leg lift two to three times.
Stand and do 30 to 40 lunges. Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Step forward with your right foot as you lower your body until your right knee creates a right angle. Return to the starting position, and switch legs. When bending your leg, do not allow your knee to extend past your ankle. An intensified variation that you can mix in to your sets is the jump-lunge, where you jump as you switch legs.
Repeat all the exercises at least three times in this order every other day for one month.