Rounded-Sole Shoes That Exercise You
Where They Help
Because regular use of this style of rounded-sole shoe helps build and tone muscles throughout your body, you may begin to see several health benefits. These benefits can include a stronger back and better posture, firmer buttocks and toned abdominal, thigh and calves muscles. Your improved posture may make you appear taller, while the improved muscle health can lead to better blood circulation, according to Skechers.
How to Walk
Because of the unique feeling of this style of shoe, it is important to get used to the correct way of walking in them. Sketchers recommends you put on the shoes and stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and your back straight. Once you are balanced, gently rock forward and backward to get a feel for the curve of the shoe's sole. To walk correctly, roll forward onto the toe of one foot and place the other foot's heel on the ground in front of you. Once that foot is on the ground, roll forward onto its toe and place the other foot in front. To get used to this style of walking, look straight ahead instead of at your feet.
Because you will immediately notice that walking in a pair of rounded-sole shoes creates a different feeling than normal shoes, it will take you a short period of time to adjust. Sketchers advises customers to limit their walking to 25 to 45 minutes a day for the first 2 weeks of wearing this style of shoe. This will give your entire body a chance to adjust. After you feel comfortable wearing the shoes, you can wear them as much as you would like.