How to Tell My Body Fat Percentage
Things You'll Need
- Scale
- Tape measure
For Men
Weigh yourself on a scale. Then wrap a tape measure around your middle --- at the point where your belt would go --- to find the circumference of your waist.
Calculate your lean body mass using this formula: (weight x 1.082) - (waist x 4.15) + 94.42. For example, if you weight 200 pounds and had a 38-inch waist, your lean body mass would be:
(200 x 1.082) - (38 x 4.15) + 94.42 = 153.12 lbs.
Find your body fat percentage by using the formula (body weight - lean body mass) x 100 / (body weight). By using the results from Steps 1 and 2, your body fat percentage would be:
(200 - 153.12) x 100 / 200 = 23.44 percent
For Women
Weigh yourself on a scale. Then wrap a tape measure around your middle --- at the point where your belt would go --- to find the circumference of your waist. Measure the widest point of your wrist, hip and forearm to find your wrist, hip and forearm circumferences.
Multiply your body weight by 0.732 and add 8.987. Formula: (body weight x 0.732) + 8.987. For example, if you weigh 200 pounds, your answer would be (200 x 0.732) + 8.987 = 155.387
Divide your wrist circumference by 3.14. For example, if your wrist circumference was 6 inches, your answer would be (6)/(3.14) = 1.91.
Multiply your waist circumference by 0.157. For example, if your waist measurement is 12 inches, your answer would be (12) x (0.157) = 1.884.
Multiply your hip circumference by 0.249. For example, if your hip measurement is 10 inches, your answer would be (10) x (0.249) = 2.49.
Take your forearm measurement and multiply it by 0.434. For example, if your forearm circumference is 10 inches, your answer would be (10) x (.434) = 4.34.
Add the results found in Steps 2 and 3 together: (155.387) + (1.91) = 157.297
Subtract the results from Step 4 from the results of Step 7: (157.297) - (1.884) = 155.413
Subtract the results from Step 5 from the results of Step 8: (155.413) - (2.49) = 152.923
Add results from Step 6 and 9 together: (4.34) + (152.923) = 157.263
The result represents your lean body mass (LBM).
Subtract your LBM from your total body weight. Multiply the answer by 100 and divide by your total body weight. Use the answer found in step 10 and a body weight of 200 pounds to solve for your LBM.
(body weight - lean body mass) x 100 / (body weight).
Body Fat Percentage (women):
(200 - 157.263) x 100 / (200) = approx. 21.37 percent body fat.