How to Gain Weight with Protein
Increase your protein intake with protein-rich foods. Eating protein-rich foods like poultry, eggs, dairy, fish and lean meats will give your muscles the important amino acids they need to repair and build muscle fibers. Eat fish two to three times a week and other sources of protein daily.
Drink protein shakes. Protein shakes are small packets of protein powder that you mix into water, milk or other liquids and drink. Protein shakes are a very convenient and easy way to get the extra protein you need because the packets can be carried with you anywhere so you always have a source of protein on hand.
Lift weights two or three days a week. Lifting weights helps you build muscle because when you lift weights that are heavy, it tears the tiny fibers in your muscle. After working out, your body repairs the tiny fibers and builds them stronger and bigger than before which adds mass and weight to the muscle.
Rest in between workouts. Taking a day off in between work outs while continuing to eat protein helps build muscle mass because it gives your body the time it needs to repair the muscles. Continuously working out without time off doesn't give the body or the protein anytime to repair and rebuild the muscle fibers.
Eat more calories in addition to protein. As you consume protein, build more muscle and gain weight your calorie requirements increase and if you don't provide your body with the necessary amount of calories it will start to burn off fat and muscle. Supplement your protein intake with an increased calorie intake to give your body what it needs to gain weight.
Eat protein at certain times of the day. Eat protein in the morning, right after a workout and at night before going to bed. This will keep a steady supply of protein in your body at all times so your muscles can rebuild throughout the day.