How to Shape an Apple Figure

People carry excess weight in different ways, which results in different body shapes. People who carry their weight in the midsection are apple-shaped. To sculpt an apple-shaped body, a two-pronged weight loss system, the combination of diet and exercise, can trim weight in the belly and smooth out the figure.


  1. Diet

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      Increase your fiber intake. Fiber slows the digestion of sugars, lowers cholesterol and insulin levels and can reduce the risk of diabetes.

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      Eat complex carbohydrates, like fruits and vegetables. Skip the potatoes.

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      Cook with olive oil.

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      Cut fried foods, carbonated drinks and white flour products.

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      Eat high-quality protein, found in beans, whole wheat, eggs, salmon, lean chicken and beef.


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      Burn fat with cardiovascular exercise. Thirty minutes of cardio daily burns fat throughout the body. Walking, cycling and swimming are options for cardio exercises.

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      Maximize calorie burning with exercises that work more than one joint or muscle set at a time. Exercises should be in sets of 12 to 15, with three repetitions of each set. Include exercises like lunges, squats, back extensions and oblique curls.

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      Avoid focusing on abdominal exercises. Sit-ups, crunches or other abdominal exercises will tone muscle but they won't trim belly fat.

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