How to Get Rid of Elbow Fat
Introduce an aerobic workout into your daily schedule. Pattern this workout based on your current level of physical activity and weight loss needs. It's fine to begin with a light aerobic workout and slowly work your way into a more challenging program, especially if your current activity level is low. Avoid straining yourself or pushing your body well beyond its natural physical limits. Aerobic workouts are excellent for weight loss. The elbow is a difficult region to specifically target, but a general aerobic workout helps reduce your overall fat levels.
Increase your natural fiber intake and transition to a lower fat diet. A high fiber diet decreases the amount of fat absorbed by your body; fiber supplements can be taken at meal time. High fiber foods include nuts, certain vegetables, fruits and high fiber breads and pastas. Check the dietary information of foods before you purchase them, and don't assume they're high in fiber. For instance, some wheat breads are low in fiber due to the cooking process used. Elbow fat occurs because the muscles surrounding your elbow are rarely utilized in your daily life, but a well-designed diet helps reduce your overall fat stores.
Exercise the muscles around your elbow. Extend your arm in front of you with your palm facing upwards. Keep your arm level with the ground and hold it in place. You'll notice a sharp rise in muscle tension, because you're exercising muscles that you rarely use in your daily life. Hold this pose for 30 to 60 seconds at a time, repeating the exercise 10 to 20 times each day. Avoid bending your elbow during this exercise, or turning your arm over. Doing so will shift the tension to other muscle groups higher on your arm, and provide no help in isolating the area around your elbow.