How Can I Lose 10 Pounds in a Week for Free?
Things You'll Need
- High-fiber foods
- Low-fat, low-calorie foods
- Recipes
- Exercise routine
- Meal plan
- Diet and exercise log
Cut your caloric intake back by at least 500 calories per day by decreasing your portion sizes at each meal. Create a daily meal plan that consists of two low-calorie, high-fiber snacks and three meals. This helps your body feel full throughout the day to prevent binges and keeps your metabolism working at a fast rate to burn more fat calories.
Eliminate saturated fats found in cooking sauces, butter and snack foods from your diet. Add fruit and green, leafy vegetables to your diet. Replace fatty proteins with lean proteins such as fish and chicken. Substitute white flour carbohydrates for whole grains such as brown rice, barley and wheat pasta. Switch out sweets and junk food for natural sugars found in fruit and whole grain bars or cereals. Consume low-fat, low-sugar dairy products such as as skim milk, cheeses and yogurts.
Drink at least six 8-oz. glasses of water per day. Drink a glass of water before each meal. This makes your stomach feel full so that you do not overeat.
Implement cardio and weight-training exercises daily to speed up your metabolism and burn fat from consumed calories. Work out in the morning for 20 to 30 minutes after you eat breakfast to jump-start your metabolism. Take a walk after eating lunch. After dinner, work out for 20 to 30 minutes. Exercise as much as you can each day with fast-paced cardio workouts such as running, swimming, kickboxing and dancing.
Keep a meal and exercise log to help you stay on track and count calories.
Take a colon cleanse to remove excess waste from your body.