How to Resist Fatty Foods
Take a moment to consider whether you are really hungry. Focus on the origin of the desire to eat the food. A desire that originates from the stomach is a sign of hunger; whereas, a purely mental desire is a craving. Avoid eating in response to a mental craving.
Focus on the reason you are craving the fattening food. Perhaps you are bored and just need something to do; or perhaps you are sad and using food as a way to cope. Determine the cause and find another way to satisfy the need. Get up and do something physically or mentally challenging to combat boredom. Call a friend or do something uplifting that does not involve food to combat sadness.
Do not immediately give in to the craving. Take a moment to recall the foods you have eaten for the day. Think about whether you truly need the fatty food or whether you are satisfied and do not need the item.
Place pictures in your kitchen to remind you of the reason you are avoiding the food. Place pictures of yourself, friends and family members, fitness models or celebrities who have you goal body type. Think about the effect the fattening food will have on your body and your goals. Think about the area you are most prone to weight gain and imagine the fatty food causing weight gain in that area.
Make healthier versions of the fatty foods you crave. Look for recipes that call for healthier ingredients such as applesauce in lieu of oils. Keep healthy snacks on hand to nibble on whenever a craving sets in.
Don't make fattening foods you cannot resist readily available. Do not keep the foods in your home, car or office at work. Avoid grocery aisles and snack machines where those foods are stocked if at all possible. If you must buy the fattening food, buy the smallest portion available.