How to Start a Weight Loss Journal
Create a chart to track your daily food intake. Divide the food intake chart into three subsections: Time of Day, Food Item and Calories. Listing the time of day you eat, every dish or snack you consume, and the calories of each of these foods allows you to observe your eating patterns and account for and regulate your total caloric intake.
Create a physical activity chart on the same page as the food intake chart. Divide the activity chart into three subsections: Time of Day, Activity and Duration. Record physical activities related to exercise. Listing your physical activity accomplishments helps you stay accurate and consistent with your workout routine.
Create a section to list your personal thoughts on the same page as the previous two charts. This section should conclude the daily journal. Allow yourself the space on the page to elaborate on accomplishments, goals, questions and even frustrations you are having in your journey. Additionally, list positive changes in your body, mind and emotions as your weight decreases as well.
Writing these thoughts out can help relieve you of anxiety and increase determination and pride as you continue your path. This section -- along with the previous two charts -- should be included on one page. Every page of your weight loss journal should display the same way.