Exercises for Increasing Calf Muscle Size
Jumping Rope
Use the jump rope slowly at first and let your body tell you when you are tired from jumping rope. Jump rope in front of a mirror so that you can check your form while you are jumping. You should be using your wrists to swing the rope and not your entire arms. Your weight should rest on the balls of your feet when you are jumping and you do not need to lift your body very high off the ground, just high enough to go over the rope. Jump rope for longer periods of time as you gain experience and strength.
Standing Calf Raises
Stand up straight at about your arms length from the wall. Place your hands on the wall about two feet apart. Lift your heels up off the ground and take a breath as you are lifting your heels. Hold the tiptoe position for five to 10 seconds and bring your heels back down to the ground. Complete a set of 10 standing calf raises, take a break for three to five minutes, and do ten more.
Jump Squats
Stand with your feet about two feet apart and bring your body down as if you are about to sit on a chair. This is a squatting position and it is the starting position for this exercise. Jump up into the air as high as you can and extend your calf muscles. Squat down when you land so that you are in the same position you started out in. Jump and squat 10 times.
Donkey Calf Raises
Stand on the edge of a stair with your feet halfway over the edge of the stair. Bend your body at a 90 degree angle. Hold on to the rails on either side of you to keep balance or use the wall for support. Lower your heels as far as you can so that your calf muscles are extended.