How to Lose Weight on Your Bum by Exercise
It is also important to carry out certain kinds of exercises. The ideal exercises are those that burn a lot of calories when you do them but also speed your metabolism up so that you burn more calories when you do less-intensive exercise such as cooking dinner, typing at a keyboard or getting the mail.
Perform high-intensity interval training (HIIT) every single morning. This can be any exercise that works your entire body, such as biking or swimming. The key point of HIIT is that it keeps your body on its metaphorical toes; by working as hard as you can for a short period of time, then resting for a short period, then repeating, you are not letting your body get used to any one movement or set of movements. By not allowing it to adapt, you are forcing it to burn calories at a high rate, both during and after the workout.
Perform a full-body strength training program every second day, using weights that you can only lift 4 to 6 reps of. These will work your entire body, building muscle, burning fat and increasing your metabolism in the same manner HIIT does.
Squat every time you exercise by holding a barbell across the width of your shoulders and sitting backwards with a straight back until your thighs are parallel with the floor. Keep your feet flat -- if you cannot do so, push them further apart and/or splay them in opposite directions. Make sure your knees are always pointing in the same direction as your feet and that they do not go too far in front of your feet.
Deadlift every other weight training session by standing in front of a bar on the ground, bending over it, gripping it at shoulder width and rising up by pushing with your legs and butt, keeping your back straight as you do so. This exercise, combined with squats, will dramatically improve your butt muscles, thus making your butt more perky and firm.