How to Determine a Healthy Weight for Your Body Type
Things You'll Need
- Scale
- Tape measure or calipers
- Elbow measurements for medium frame chart
- Healthy weight chart
Weigh yourself and record the value.
Extend your arm straight outward with your forearm upward and parallel to your body, creating a 90-degree angle. Bend your wrist down, so that your palm is facing straight down. With your other hand, use a tape measure or calipers to measure the width between the two most prominent bones on each side of your elbow.
Use your elbow measurements and a chart that lists ranges based on height for medium frames (see References for a link) to determine your frame size. If the range shown on the chart is lower than your corresponding measurement, you have a large frame; if it is higher, you have a small frame. An example: If you're a 6-foot-2 man whose elbow width is 3.5 inches, you have a large frame.
Use a weight chart to determine a healthy range for your frame type (see References). In the left column of the appropriate weight chart (women or men), look for your height. Match your weight with your frame size along the top row. Compare your weight to the range of healthy weights for your height and frame size. For example, a 6-foot-2 man with a large frame has a healthy weight range of 172 to 197 pounds, according to the chart.