How to Find Your Perfect BMI Weight
Things You'll Need
- Internet access
Find your current height and weight on the "Body Mass Index Table" on the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute website. You will fall into one of four categories -- normal, overweight, obese or extreme obesity. The "perfect" BMI is a weight that falls in the normal category for your height.
Enter your sex and height in feet and inches on Click "Calculate" to get the recommended weight for your height along with a healthy weight range.
Use the Hamwi formulas, developed by Dr. G.J. Hamwi. According to the formula for females, a good weight is 100 lb. for the first 5 feet plus 5 lb. for each inch above. For males, a good weight is 106 lb. for the first 5 feet plus 6 lb. for each additional inch of height. If you have a light frame, reduce the result by 10 percent; if you have a heavy frame, increase it by 10 percent.