How to Eat After 6 p.m. to Help Lose Weight
Things You'll Need
- Salad
- Lean meat
- Low-sugar dressing
- Diet fruit drink or water
Avoid eating a high-calorie meal containing starchy foods, such as potatoes, rice or pasta, after 6 p.m. After 6 p.m., the body starts a chain of events that can set anyone's diet into a tailspin. When a high-carb meal is ingested, insulin is released to counteract the sugar and is then stored as fat. To bypass storing fat in the evenings, eat a dinner after 6 p.m. that includes a salad with low-sugar dressing and a lean meat like chicken. This type of meal will quell hunger and metabolize better than starchy foods while the body sleeps. If you prefer to eat dinner before 6 p.m. but enjoy snacking later at night, choose snacks like carrot sticks, diet hard candy or a hard-boiled egg.
Eat a breakfast of fruit, grains and protein. Try an egg, peach slices and a side of wheat toast. For lunch, eat lean protein, fruit, vegetables and a diet fruit drink. Choose foods that satisfy during the day, so that dinner or snacking after 6 p.m. do not contain a large number of calories.
Set a calorie limit after 6 p.m., or fill a small plate once with allowable foods. The body will be able to digest healthy foods overnight, and you will feel hungry in the morning. Do not skip breakfast as this leads to poor food choices and added calories as the day progresses.
Use caution when eating close to bedtime. Eating high-calorie, sugar-filled foods after 6 p.m. could lead to sleepless nights. Some high-fat foods and alcohol could cause indigestion, restlessness and nightmares. Your body needs time to digest food before it can allow complete rest.