How to Burn Fat for Free
Things You'll Need
- Athletic sneakers
Determine the amount of fat you wish to burn off, based on the appropriate weight and BMI (Body Mass Index) rating for a person of your height and weight, and decrease your daily caloric intake accordingly. Use a printed chart or online chart to enter your height, weight and age to see where you stand in terms of healthy / unhealthy weight levels and BMI ratings.
Engage in at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise daily by speed walking or running. Low intensity aerobic activity such as walking will burn calories, but not to the extent that higher intensity running will. Regardless of which you choose, you will need nothing more than a supportive, comfortable pair of sneakers. Choose aerobic exercises with a level of intensity that matches the amount of fat you're trying to burn.
Engage in strength training at least three days a week by doing exercises using your own body weight (e.g. pushups, pullups, tricep dips) and household objects (e.g. holding a full can of paint by the handle and doing bicep curls). Lean muscle tissue burns more calories during exercise and during rest than fat tissue does. Although aerobic exercise is linked to boosting metabolism, weight lifting also has a positive effect in this regard.
Increase the level of activity in your day-to-day lifestyle to burn extra calories throughout the day. These activities can include taking stairs instead of the elevator, walking or bicycling instead of driving or engaging in regular and vigorous yardwork, housecleaning or gardening.