How to Find Pressure Points on the Hand and Body
Start with the webbing of your hand. This is the area between your thumb and index finger. Press the point on the meaty part of the webbing between the thumb and index finger from your other hand. Be sure to squeeze the muscle and not just the skin. This will be slightly uncomfortable, but this pressure point is believed to relieve pain in other parts of the body, especially in the head and back. It is also believed to calm you down and free you of grief.
Move to the juncture between your inner wrist and your hand. Open your fingers naturally then trace a line down your little finger all the way to the base of your palm. Press the point on the line in your skin that forms when you bend your wrist inward. You will feel a tingling sensation in your fingers. This pressure point is believed to clear the mind so you can think better.
Follow the line of your wrist to the other side. Press the point where the wrist meets the palm that is directly in line with your thumb. You will also feel a tingling sensation in your fingers with this pressure point. It is believed to improve skin and help with breathing. It is also believed to relieve grief and spiritual longing.
Turn your hand over and look at your thumbnail. Press the point where your skin meets the lower outside corner of your thumbnail. If you are pressing your left thumbnail it is in the lower right corner. If you are pressing your right thumbnail it is in the lower left corner.
Flip your palm upward again. Press the point just below the crease of the wrist between the radius and ulna bones. This is a gap in the tendons and can make your hand go numb for a few seconds. Press down in a circular motion while you wiggle your fingers. This pressure point is believed to purge emotions when you are over excited.
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- How to Find Pressure Points on the Hand and Body
- How to Find Pressure Points on the Hand and Body