How to Test Body Fat With Calipers
Things You'll Need
- Fat calipers
- Tape measure
- Pen
- Paper
Ask the person being measured to stand up straight with her feet together. Instruct the participant to relax her shoulders and let her arms hang comfortably at her sides. Take all measurements on the right side of the body if possible.
Mark skin-fold measurement sites on men with an eyebrow pencil or other temporary marking device. Note three sites: diagonally between the area under the nipple and the underarm crease; vertically on the front of the thigh, halfway between the hip and knee; and vertically 1-inch lateral to the belly button. Use a tape measure to determine halfway points.
Use a temporary marker to note measurement sites on women: Vertically on the back of the upper arm halfway between the shoulder and elbow; diagonally at the crest of the ilium; and vertically on the front of the thigh, halfway between the hip and knee. Calculate halfway points with a tape measure.
Firmly grasp the fold of skin being measured with the thumb and index finger of your left hand. Place the caliper perpendicular to the body with the caliper pads 1/4 inch from your finger and thumb.
Release the dial of the caliper. Wait one to two seconds. Read the dial to the nearest 1/2 mm.
Take at least two measurements at each site. Continue measuring until the measurements are within 1 mm of each other on each location. Record the results on paper after each measurement.