How to Lose Fatty Weight
Things You'll Need
- Healthy foods
- Bicycle
Adjust your eating schedule to eat smaller meals more frequently. Rather than eating three square meals per day, increase the number to 5 or 6 meals per day, with each meal being smaller. Consume only what you need and stop eating when you are no longer hungry. Eating in this manner provides a steady, consistent source of energy to your body throughout the day, without consuming excess portions that would normally be stored as fat.
Cut back on the amount of sugar that you consume. A diet that is high in sugar can not only contribute to fatty weight gain, but can also lead to other medical problems, such as diabetes. Soft drinks and ice cream are notorious for the amount of sugar they contain, but other products are loaded with sugar as well. Ketchup, salad dressing and canned fruit are common examples of foods that are high in refined sugar. Natural sugars that are found in fruits are generally ok, but processed sugars and artificial sweeteners should be removed from your diet to the greatest extent possible.
Eat more whole grains and fiber. Foods that are high in fiber have a tendency to make you feel full sooner, so you can comfortably eat smaller portions. Fiber also stays in the stomach longer than other types of foods, allowing you to feel full for longer periods. According to nutrition website, a single serving of whole wheat bread is just as filling as two servings of white bread, due to the high fiber content of the grains.
Ride a bike. Bike riding is a simple and effective exercise that burns calories and gives your leg muscles a good workout. Riding a bike is also a great way to enjoy the outdoors. For those who aren't comfortable riding a real bike, using a stationary exercise bike at home or in the gym is just as effective.
Find a good set of stairs or steps and climb them repeatedly. If your home doesn't have a staircase, check out hilly areas of the local park to see if sidewalks have any steps. You can also use the bleachers at local sports fields. Climbing stairs at a brisk pace will give you an excellent cardiovascular and respiratory workout, while also exercising several muscle groups.
Swim as often as possible. Swimming is a great exercise because it works every major muscle group without placing any stress on your bones or joints. Swimming on a regular basis helps your body lose fatty weight, while also strengthening and toning your muscles. Alternate between different swimming styles, such as breast stroke and back stroke, to exercise muscles differently.