How to Lose Weight on 1400 Calories
Determine whether a 1,400-calorie diet is right for you. Dieticians do not generally recommended this diet for men, who tend to have a higher metabolism than women. If you are a woman who knows she has a high metabolism---for example, if you consume a high calorie count but maintain a steady weight, you might want to start with a more attainable 1,600-calorie diet.
Eat more high-protein foods than high-carb foods. A 2005 study from the University of Washington School of Medicine found that those who eat diets high in protein feel less hungry than those who eat high-carb diets. The body metabolizes proteins more slowly than it does carbohydrates.
Eat foods high in fiber and water weight. These will make you feel more sated than other foods. They also stimulate elimination, which keeps your body flushed. Examples of high-fiber, high-water foods are grapefruits, strawberries and roasted bell peppers stuffed with brown rice.
Sleep for seven to nine hours per night. People who sleep less produce less of the hormone leptin, which regulates appetite. You're more likely to overeat if you're sleep deprived.
Eat a few times a day, at consistent times. Women's Health reports that women who standardize their meals according to a regular schedule lose weight faster than those who do not.