How to Help Men Control Weight
Increase your omega-3 fatty acid intake. Omega-3s are found in fish and contribute to a healthy heart and waistline. According to Michael F. Roizen and Mehmet C. Oz, authors of "You: On a Diet," inflammation contributes to obesity and can be decreased with anti-inflammatory foods. Eat at least two servings of a 3-oz piece of fish to fight inflammation, according to the Mayo Clinic.
Stay active. Walk for at least 30 minutes after a meal to aid your body in breaking down the meal's nutrients. According to Roizen and Oz, your body will use the food for energy rather than store it in your fat cells.
Limit sugar. While they satisfy your sweet tooth, sweets that are high in sugar contribute to inflammation and is stored as fat when it is not converted into energy. Replace sugar in your meals and drinks with artificial sweeteners to lower the risk of inflammation.
Reduce saturated fat consumption. Known as the unhealthy fats, saturated fat contributes to obesity and is found in foods that contain animal products such as dairy and butter. According to the National Institutes of Health, saturated fat should be limited to 10 percent of your daily caloric intake. Avoid trans fat, found in fried, processed and baked goods, like the plague to prevent weight gain.
Exercise daily. Thirty minutes of cardiovascular exercise, which increases your heart rate, increases endorphin release and burns off calories to reduce weight gain.
Limit beer consumption. Consuming 28 oz of beer, 21 oz of wine or 21 shots of whiskey contributes to weight gain, according to Roizen and Oz. Limit alcoholic beverages to one drink a day.