How to Lose Belly Fat 1 Year After Having a Baby
Cut back on sugar-laden desserts and fatty snack foods. Everyone can understand if you sneak in a bag of chips or a piece of chocolate every once in a while, but this should not be a daily occurrence if you are serious about losing belly fat or weight. Remove these foods from your house, and when you want to splurge, buy a single serving so you don't have leftovers around to tempt you.
Keep healthy snacks on hand. When you pack your diaper bag for your baby, include healthy snacks for yourself, as well, so you are not tempted to pick up something fast and unhealthy. This could be a bag of fat-free pretzels, cut up vegetables, an apple, or some whole wheat crackers.
Check your portion size. Most people don't know what a normal portion actually is, and overeat without even realizing it. When you look at your plate, your protein should take up no more than one quarter, your starch should not be more than a quarter, and your vegetable or salad should be at least one half.
Start each day with a healthy breakfast. Going too long without eating will make you eat more later when you are hungrier. By starting off the day right with a bowl of cereal, a scrambled egg or a piece of whole wheat toast, you will fuel your body with the energy it needs, and prevent a calorie mistake later in the day.
Stop ordering from restaurants. Most restaurants serve portions that are way too big, and they don't necessarily use the healthiest ingredients. Combined with those dangers is the fact that you are more likely to splurge on a fatty meal if it is your favorite item on the menu, rather than if you have to make it yourself. By cooking your own meals, you control the ingredients and the portions, and you can plan healthy dinners for your family.