Weight Watchers Calculator User Instructions
Things You'll Need
- PointsPlus Calculator
Set Up Your Weight Watchers PointsPlus Calculator
Entering your personal information will specialize the calculator to help you achieve your weight loss goals. If this is the first time you've used your PointsPlus calculator, you will need to personalize the settings. Start by opening the cover and turn the calculator on.
There is a button with a wrench symbol on the top left side of the calculator. Press this button to update or set up your personal information.
Enter your personal information: age, gender, height and weight pressing "enter" after each entry.
Decide whether you wish to lose or maintain weight and enter the answer on the next screen. Once you have completed these entries the calculator will determine your weekly points allowance.
Calculate the Points Values of Your Food
Measuring nutritional information shows you how to make better food choices. Press the PointsPlus key, located on the lower right of the calculator's keyboard, then press "enter."
Input each of the four nutritional components necessary to calculate the PointsPlus value: calories, total fat, fiber and protein.
Press enter on your last nutritional item and the calculator will display the PointsPlus value for that food item.
Update Your Food Consumption
Choose foods that are different in color and style to increase the variety in your diet. After discerning a food's PointsPlus value your calculator will always ask if you wish to use that food. If you choose to "use" the food press "enter" and it will be added to your daily PointsPlus allowance.
Press the "X" key if you wish to consume multiple quantities of a food item. Enter the number of servings you plan to consume then press "enter" to enter those points into your daily usage log. Points values are for a single serving, so if you consume more than one serving calculate this into your daily points allowance.
To consume half of a serving size, press the "divide" key, enter 2 then press "enter." This will calculate the correct points value for your partial serving.
To enter points values for a known food value press the PointsPlus button. Instead of entering nutritional values, use the down arrow to enter your points value.