How to Lose Weight & Belly Fat Naturally
Write down what you eat. Before you change your eating habits, you need to log what you eat every day so you know where to make changes. It may be tempting to skip small snacks or a piece of candy or two, but it's important to track every morsel that goes in your mouth.
Formulate a weight loss plan. Anticipate all possible pitfalls in the process such as times of the day when you are most likely to binge on snacks and food weaknesses. Determine the amount of calories you need to eliminate from your diet to lose weight. You can do this with an online calorie calculator or through your physician.
Change your nutritional habits. The more balanced your diet becomes the more successful -- and natural -- your weight loss process will be. While there is no specific food to eat for weight loss in the stomach area, an overall reduction in weight will equal fat loss in the belly area. Incorporate lean proteins and plenty of fruits and vegetables in your diet. Drink water and avoid sugary sodas and juice drinks. To avoid feeling like you are depriving yourself, "Readers Digest" recommends eating foods that taste good, but are low in calories such as lobster, shrimp and whipped cream.
Incorporate exercise into your daily routine. This is one of the fastest ways to lose weight naturally. To target belly fat specifically, engage in cardio for at least 45 minutes five to six days a week. Walking is the easiest form of exercise, and it's most beneficial when you go longer than 30 minutes, notes "Readers Digest." The website suggests that the first 30 minutes is enough to prevent weight gain -- but anything beyond 30 minutes equals weight loss and fat burning. You might also purchase a pedometer and aim to walk at least 4,000 steps per day. You can also do certain exercises to tighten up your abs -- including crunches, planks and rotating lunges. Although you can't spot reduce, toning your stomach muscles will accentuate the area as fat begins to vanish.
Get support from family and friends. When people know about your weight loss goals, there's a level of accountability that keeps you motivated. Find a friend who is trying to lose weight naturally as well, and motivate each other. If you don't know someone who wants to lose weight, SparkPeople can help you find people in your community with goals similar to yours.