How to Flatten Your Tummy Effortlessly Without Craving Food
Things You'll Need
- Plastic or fabric measuring tape
- Daily multivitamin
- Water
Going for a walk is an easy way to lose fat around the midsection. Walk on a regular basis. Each time that you have the chance, take a walk. Walk at a moderate pace and try for 20 to 30 minutes each day. Although it may seem silly to walk in order to gain a flatter tummy, according to Stew Smith, a U.S. Naval Academy graduate and former Navy SEAL, you cannot target fat loss. Despite this, cardiovascular exercise will help you burn calories and in turn, lose fat in the process. Although it is not targeted weight loss, you will eventually lose fat in your stomach area if you keep at it.
Stretching before and after any exercise increase flexibility and relieves muscle tension. Stretch before and after each walk. Muscle or joint tension may cause pain, which will discourage you from keeping up with your daily walks. Stretching before and after each walk will help to relieve muscle tension, and help you to relax.
Playing a sport is a fun way to get your stomach into shape. Play a sport. If you find walking boring, play a recreational sport. Basketball, baseball, football and even golf require physical activity. Any physical activity is a plus when it comes to losing weight and flattening your tummy.
Reduce stress. When you experience stress, the body produces hormones including cortisol and adrenaline. While these hormones are helpful during dangerous or decision-making situations, when you're stressed often, it takes a toll on your mental and physical well-being. Adrenaline provides you with energy; cortisol increases glucose production and slows down digestion. If you are stressed often or have an anxiety disorder, it is important that you see a physician, so that your hormones can be regulated.
More fruits, vegetables and high-protein foods are likely to reduce food cravings. Change your diet. If you're consuming large amounts of carbohydrates and sweets, you're more likely to have food cravings. Because sweets and carbs are quickly digested, your blood sugar level becomes irregular. When you have cravings, you tend to snack and eat more. Instead of sugar and carbs, switch to whole grain foods like whole grain pasta or whole grain cereal. Also, be sure to eat plenty of fruits, vegetables and protein-rich foods. These kinds of foods take longer to digest, keeping your blood sugar steady throughout the day.
A daily multivitamin will help you get the nutrients you need, along with a healthy diet. Take a multivitamin each day. When you have the proper amount of nutrients in your body, you're less likely to have strange cravings.
Water may help you reduce meal portions. Drink more water. Drinking a glass of water before each meal may help you eat smaller portions. Also, whenever you have a food craving, before grabbing that calorie-filled snack, opt for a glass of water first. If you're still hungry after drinking the water, stick to a whole-grain snack or a high-protein snack.
Measuring your waist each week may help motivate you. Keep track of your progress. Each week (at the same time each week), measure your waist. Try to avoid weighing yourself. It is more likely that you will lose inches before you see a significant amount of weight loss.
Sit-ups or abdominal crunches help to flatten stomach muscles when done correctly. Incorporate abdominal exercises into your exercise routine. Working the obliques, lower back and abdominal muscles will help you achieve a flatter tummy. To complete oblique crunches, lie on your back with your knees bent at right angles. Place your fingertips behind your ears. Slightly twist to the left, and curl up slightly as if doing a regular sit-up, but only raise your shoulders off the floor a few inches. Hold the position momentarily, and contract your ab muscles. Return to the resting position, and repeat with the other arm/opposite knee. Try to completed 10 complete reps. Flutter kicks while prone work your lower back. Keep your palms under you hips, and raise your torso slightly off the ground. Do 10 repetitions, with 2 flutters equalling one repetition. Lie on your back for abdominal crunches, keep knees at a right angle. Cross your arms over your chest with palms on your shoulders. Lift up while contracting your ab muscles, attempting to touch your knees with your elbows.