How to Lose Saggy Skin
Moisturize. When you lose weight quickly, your skin may dry out, notes skincare website, DermNet NZ. Applying a good-quality moisturizer, however, will help your skin maintain its elasticity better. For really dry skin, rub yourself in oil after bathing, but before drying. Use olive oil or whatever good oil you have around the house, but for a sweet smell, opt for almond oil or coconut oil. Pat dry, then used the oil-based moisturizer. Wear cotton clothing to bed to help keep the moisture on your skin.
Stay hydrated. Experts recommend we all drink at least eight glasses of water every day, and when you are losing weight, this is no exception. Staying hydrated will improve the elasticity of your skin, making it more likely to hug your improving shape, rather than hang awkwardly. Drinking a glass every hour may be difficult at first, but persevere and it will soon become easier.
Exercise the skin away. Regular exercise will eventually shift your excess skin, but only if you remain hydrated. You will eventually bulk out somewhat with added muscle, giving the skin something solid to hug. For a saggy stomach, lie on your back with legs extended straight, and slowly exhale and lift your legs simultaneously. Use your abdomen to hold the position, then inhale and bring your legs back down. For saggy arms, lie on a bench with a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing up. Slowly exhale and raise the weights, hold for a second, inhale and lower the weights, then repeat.
Eat right. Just because you are losing weight, it doesn't mean you should avoid consuming fat altogether. Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats are vital for your organs' functions, and help add elasticity to your skin. Eat plenty of fish, nuts, olive oils, seeds and avocados for skin conditioning.
Stop smoking. Smoking restricts blood flow and helps break down collagen, which is vital for skin elasticity. A 2002 article published in the British Journal of Dermatology found smokers synthesize 18% less type I collagen and 22% less type III collagen than those who had never smoked. Smokers' skin is therefore less able to regenerate itself than other skin. Join a local smoking cessation group if you need help.
Consider surgical help. Some older people find it impossible to lose saggy skin without surgery. Speak to a doctor or plastic surgeon about the best procedure for you.