How to Lose 15 Pounds for Kids
Consult your child's pediatrician before implementing any type of weight loss program for your little one. A doctor will determine if your child has a weight problem based on analyzing his growth charts over time. The pediatrician may also analyze his body mass index, or BMI, score, according to KidsHealth, an online youth health resource for parents. The BMI score is a formula doctors use to determine if a child has a healthy or unhealthy weight based on his height and weight. If your child is indeed overweight or obese, the pediatrician may ask you a few questions, including how much exercise your child receives and eating habits, according to Kids Health. Based on this information, the doctor may offer recommendations as to how you can help your child lose weight.
Set a positive example. If you're eating junk food while you're child is being encouraged to eat healthier foods, then chances are, you're not setting a good example. You are your child's role model and mentor, and it's likely that he mimics you. Whether it's eating or exercising, ensure that your child sees you establishing a healthy lifestyle.
Plan healthy meals together, and eat together as a family. Gather some healthy cooking recipe books, or visit your local library and choose a few low-calorie recipes. Give your child the opportunity to choose a the dinners. When a child contributes or is held accountable, it helps motivate and excite his to make healthy food decisions. Go grocery shopping together, and while shopping, discuss the difference between foods, such as whole milk versus skim milk, regular cheese versus fat-free cheese and popcorn versus reduced-fat popcorn. At home, cook the meals together, and finally, eat as a family. Although this may be time-consuming, it is a fun way to teach your child to eat healthy.
Incorporate a "90/10 food strategy," according to the MSNBC Today Show. It's important not to completely eliminate unhealthy foods; instead limit those types of food items. Stock your pantry shelves with 90 percent healthy foods and only 10 percent unhealthy, or fun food."Diets that are too restrictive backfire with a vengeance," according to the Today Show. To make your child's weight loss goal of 15 pounds effective, help him plan for the unhealthy indulgences beforehand, such as a cupcake at a friend's birthday party or pizza at the skating rink.
Implement a family fitness program in your household. Choose a few child-friendly exercises, such as bike riding around the block, jumping on the trampoline or playing relay races in the backyard. The exercises don't have to be painful and rigorous. If you make working out into a game, children will be more interested and engaged, according to Everyday Health. Doing anything fun to get their heart rate up is beneficial. Encourage the entire family to participate in these games or exercises, and don't exclude other siblings just because they have normal weights.