How to Gain Healthy Body Fat
Count how many calories you eat each day for seven days and add up the resulting numbers. Divide this number by seven to find the average amount of calories you eat each day. Add 500 calories to this number and eat at least this much daily. According to the American Council on Exercise, 1 lb. of fat consists of 3,500 calories. Eating 500 more calories each day will result in a weight gain of 1 lb. per week.
Eat healthy foods to achieve your daily caloric requirements. According to Manuel Ortiz Braschi, author of "Gaining Weight 101," you should avoid fatty foods when trying to gain healthy body fat. Instead, eat whole grains, vegetables, fruits and lean meats throughout the day.
Eat five to six meals daily. Eating more often keeps your body supplied with constant energy and encourages healthy weight gain. Additionally, eating five to six meals will make an increased caloric intake easier to achieve. An ideal meal plan consists of breakfast, brunch, lunch, afternoon snack and dinner.
Drink protein shakes and snack on protein bars throughout the day. According to James L. Benson, author of "Gaining Weight for Skinny People," increasing your protein intake supports healthy weight gain, making it easier for your body to gain fat. Protein shakes and bars are high in calories, helping you achieve your increased daily caloric requirements. Try having a protein shake or bar with breakfast each morning.