How to Lose 7 Pounds of Weight
Things You'll Need
- Schedule of exercise
- Exercise clothing
- Healthy food
- Calorie charts
First calculate your weight loss goal. Losing two to three pounds a week is a healthy goal -- any more than this and you risk losing muscle tissue. If your goal is to lose seven pounds, then it will take you between three and four weeks to achieve this goal (seven pounds total / two pounds a week = 3.5 weeks).
Calculate how many calories you need to maintain your current weight. There are many good websites for this, such as How much you weigh depends on your gender, height, age and a few other factors that make it difficult to calculate your caloric needs without the help of a complex algorithm.
Calculate your calorie deficit. To lose two pounds a week, you should have a calorie deficit of 1,000 calories (meaning you expend 1,000 more calories than you consume) each day. Then, determine how much of this deficit should come from exercise and how much of it should come from diet. Depending on your weight, you can burn between 300 and 600 calories in half an hour of aerobic exercise like running, swimming or playing basketball. Once you have an estimate of how many calories you burn through exercise, subtract that number from 1,000. The resulting number is the amount of calories to cut from your daily food intake. If you burn 500 calories a day through physical activity, then you need to cut 500 calories from your diet in order to maintain a daily calorie deficit of 1,000 calories.
Use your calculations to make appropriate changes to your diet. You'll want to especially avoid fatty and fried foods, simple sugars and pastry-type desserts. Replace these foods with fruits, nuts, vegetables and other wholesome foods that are low in simple sugars and high in protein and fiber. Check out food labels and track your caloric intake to make sure you are cutting out the necessary amount of calories.
Set a daily exercise schedule. This will make it so you don't have to stop eating as much to lose seven pounds of weight. If you're just starting out, make sure it's not too rigorous. Walking the dog or raking leaves are great ways to get the blood flowing.
Track your progress. Have some way of determining whether you're improving eating habits and losing weight. Get feedback from trusted friends or family members who care about your health goals.