What Causes People to Gain Weight?
Diets are suppose to make you lose weight, but if you go on a diet that drastically restricts calories, you will not be successful in the long run. By restricting calories, you alert your body's survival instinct which slows down your metabolism and refuses to let go of fat, in fear of starvation. According to the Marilyn Glenville website, losing more than 2 lbs. per week is unhealthy and means that you are not losing weight from fat, but weight from muscle and water. After dieting, when you go back to eating normal, your metabolism has slowed down. Any foods you consume will metabolize slowly or most likely be stored as fat and result in weight gain.
Prescription Medications
When dealing with a medical issue you may get prescribed medications that cause weight gain. According to the Muscle and Fitness website, antidepressant medications like Paxil and Elavil cause weight gain. Other possible medications that can cause weight gain are those that treat migraines, diabetes and seizures. Certain birth control pills also cause weight gain. A doctor will be able to make suggestions as to how to control the weight gain depending on your medical condition or he can prescribe other medications that don't make you gain weight.
Cortisol, also known as the body's stress hormone, can be responsible for weight gain. When you experience high stress levels, you brain sends a stress signal, also known as the "fight or flight response" which triggers the release of cortisol and adrenaline. Cortisol is associated with weight gain mainly around the middle. By controlling stress levels in your life, you can reduce weight gain. Practicing meditation or breathing deeply can help. Stress can also lead to weight gain because some people turn to food for comfort. The same is true for other emotions, such as anxiety, depression, anger and guilt.
The thyroid, located at the base of the neck, is an organ that produces hormones that regulate the metabolism, the body temperature, heart rate and protein production. If your thyroid is under-active you can end up gaining weight and feeling tired and cold. Your doctor can do a blood test to confirm hypothyroidism and he can prescribe oral medications to combat it. Taking medicine may reverse some of the weight gain.