How to Get Abs and a Flat Stomach
Lie flat on the floor on your back, as if about to perform crunches. Place your hands behind your head and bring your knees up toward your chest. Move your legs as if riding a bicycle, being sure to twist your upper body with each move: Bring your right elbow toward your left knee and vice versa. This exercise is called the "Bicycle." Count down 15 reps per leg.
Focus on the obliques by doing the vertical leg crunch. "The Complete Book of Abs" highly recommends this move for a flatter stomach and visible abs. Lie on the floor on your back, hands behind your head and feet raised straight up in the air. Use the ab muscles to pull your upper body and shoulders up toward your knees. Do two sets of 15 reps.
Lie down as if ready to do a crunch, feet planted on the ground. This time raise your arms straight back behind your head, instead of folded. Again, use your ab muscles to pull your shoulders off of the floor, being sure to keep your arms in place and avoid neck pain. This move focuses on the upper abs and is a bot more difficult than other crunches. It is known as the "Long Arm Crunch." Perform two sets of 15 reps.
Perform a reverse crunch. This time your shoulders remain flat on the ground with your hands at the sides. Raise your legs in the air, then down so that they are about 8 inches off the floor, keeping them straight. This works the lower abs and is easier than the long arm version. "The Complete Book of Abs" recommends that the abs only are used for moving the legs in this routine. Perform two sets of 15 reps.