How to Loose Ab Fat Fast
Everybody dreams of flat abs. People want to lose the fat on their abs fast, but it will not happen over night. Weight is put on over a period of time, so it takes time to take it back off. Depending on how much fat the person has to lose, they can get a flatter tummy in about a month. But it will require drive, determination and working out on a regular basis, at least five days a week.Things You'll Need
- Exercise ball
Perform crunches on a daily basis, no less than five days a week. Try to work up to 100 crunches a day. Starting off with a lower number of crunches, then build up as your strength and stamina improve. Crunches can be simple or complex. Simple crunches require a person to lay on their back raising the feet up off the floor, knees bent. This will look somewhat like the fetal position. Hands can be behind the head or across the chest. Raise upper body and lower body to meet each other, using the muscles of the stomach. More complex crunches can involve twisting your body right and left as you perform them.
Exercise core muscles using an exercise ball. Extended crunches can be done using this piece of fitness equipment and it works the core harder because you need to keep balance while performing moves. Place feet firmly on the ground and spread apart. Rest low back across the ball and lay back with butt raised off ground. Take it slow and get into a balanced position. With arms crossed over chest, raise the torso up, using the core muscles. Then lower torso back over ball. Repeat up and down movement to simulate sit ups.
Eat the right foods to prevent bloating. Eating healthy is an important step in getting into shape. "Dieting For Dummies" recommends eating raw fruits and vegetables and avoiding foods that can cause gas and bloating, like broccoli. Also avoid sugary junk foods and instead choose whole grains, lean proteins and low-fat dairy products. Sugars add more weight around the middle. Avoiding them can help get a slimmer stomach and flatter abs.