Can You Wear a Slimming Belt in a Sauna?
Slimming belts are made from polyester or neoprene. These devices induce heat which, in turn, causes sweating. They are either battery or electrically powered. Depending on manufacturer's instructions, users often have to wear the slimming belt for 30 to 50 minutes per day to see results. If the belt is not powered by electricity, it can be concealed under clothing without interference in their daily activities. Otherwise, sedentary use is required.
Medical significance
Sauna use promotes circulation. It detoxifies the body and rejuvenates the skin. According to an article published in the Journal of Royal Society of Medicine, sauna use has been reported to also effectively treat colds. However, there has been no scientific data to support weight loss. Experts have recommended that sauna users exercise caution and consult with a physician. Furthermore, researchers concur extensive use of a sauna may cause dehydration or induce acute reactions, such as arrhythmia or even sudden death.
In June 2010, the Consumer Product Safety Commission estimated that there were 70 electrocution fatalities associated with consumer products per year. Hence, since the presence of water increases the chance of electrocution, the use of a slimming belt in a sauna regardless of the power source should be avoided at all costs. Consumers wanting to lose weight should do so by adding at least 30 minutes of physical activity to their daily routine; this should be accompanied by a healthy daily calorie intake using the pyramid from the U.S.D.A dietary guidelines for Americans. Individuals should consult a health care provider prior to modifying their diet or adding exercising to their daily routine.