How to Lose Weight With Sugar
Things You'll Need
- healthy snack bars
- supplements
- eggs and fruit
- weights and cardio equipment
Slowing Down Sugar Absorption
Watch your snack choices; are they really healthy? Grab snacks that are lower in sugar and carbohydrates. Scientists at Ohio State University recently studied three different popular energy bars. The Researcher, Steve Hertzler, found that some of the bars did not live up to their "endurance" standards. Rather, their effects were more like eating a straight up candy bar, which generally sends blood glucose levels skyrocketing, then crashing an hour or so later. Most well-known breakfast, cereal and performance bars are full of sugar. Check the carbohydrate content before buying.
Make your own salad dressings with oil and vinegar. Enhance sandwiches and salads with different types of foods that contain acetic acid. Acetic acid is the main ingredient in pickled products, vinegars and dressings. A study conducted in 2005 by Swedish researchers concluded that when people ate a couple of tablespoons of vinegar with three slices of bread, their blood glucose levels were substantially lower than if they had eaten the bread alone.
Natural supplements will aid in limiting the absorption of sugar. Swallow fiber pills. Researchers in Taiwan found that taking a glucomannan supplement (made from the Japanese konjac root) also led to a reduction in blood glucose levels if taken 30 minutes before a snack or meal.
Grab a Java! Drink caffeine. Caffeine increases the rate at which your body burns fat, but not when it is not paired with sugary foods like donuts. Other breakfast foods like eggs and fruit are better choices and have little or no effect on blood sugar.
Pumping up the volume on your workouts will help you burn off unwanted sugar. Pump iron. Scientists at Syracuse University found that weight training reduces the effect of a high-sugar meal on blood glucose by 15 percent for more than 12 hours after the workout. Muscles store a form of glucose called glycogen. When people exercise this glycogen is burned as fuel which also makes eating some sugar before you work out not as detrimental because if you work hard enough you will burn it off anyway.