How to Determine a Weight Set Point
The weight set point theory was developed in 1982 and claims that humans are biologically and genetically predisposed to maintain a certain level of body fat and a specific weight range. The body can be compared to a thermostat that adjusts metabolism and energy expenditure to maintain a certain weight and fat percentage that is beyond one's control. This is also the reason why many dieters who lose weight below their weight set point end up gaining the weight back. There is no test to determine your weight set point, but by monitoring your body closely you can get a good estimate.Instructions
Look at your parents' body weights and compare your own weight to theirs. According to the Self Growth website, approximately 65 percent of people are in the same weight range as their family members. Your weight set point is not necessarily your ideal weight. If obesity runs in your family, your weight set point can also reflect this.
Maintain a healthy diet by eating normally even if you are overweight. Eat in moderation and allow the body to adjust itself to where it wants you to be. Consume unsaturated fats, complex carbohydrates and lean protein to give your body the vitamins and minerals it needs. Don't restrict calories and foods, as this will only trigger your body's survival instinct, in which it stores fat to prevent starvation.
Exercise in moderation to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Don't exercise excessively to lose weight because this will not give you a realistic estimate of your body's weight set point. Listen to your body; it will tell you what it needs.
Weigh yourself regularly and keep track of your weight over time. Once you notice that your weight stays within a certain weight range, you have found your weight set point. This is the weight that your body wants you to be.