Body Measurement Tools
Measuring Tape
Measuring tape is an extendible, durable tape that measures the length, height or width of objects and people. When using measuring tape to measure the height of a person, he stands straight up with his back to a wall. Start the measuring tape at ground level near the feet and measure up to the head of the person. Measuring tape measures the width of a waist, arm, leg, hip or chest. People consult and compare body measurements alongside a diet or weight-loss regime to estimate progress and check measurements for fitness maintenance.
Scales help to measure a person's weight. Scales display a person's body weight in kilograms or pounds depending on preference. Digital scales show the weight in numbers while mechanical scales register weight with a movable arm that points to the weight. Some scales offer features that help determine the body fat percentage or body mass index. Advanced body fat scales can additionally monitor skeletal muscle, body age, body mass index, visceral fat and resting metabolism.
Body Measurement Calculators
Body measurement calculators can help you determine if you are within a healthy range of body fat percentage or body mass using simple mathematics. The body mass index, or BMI, explains a relationship between weight and height that is associated with body fat and consequential health risk. Weight in kilograms is divided by height in meters squared (BMI: BMI = kg/m2). A healthy BMI range is from 18.5 to 24.9.
Skinfold Calipers
A skinfold caliper fat measurement tool takes skin and fat measurements from several specific areas on the body. These measurements, entered into an equation, estimate total body fat. Popular areas for measurements include the triceps, biceps, abdomen, thigh and chest. It is standard to measure areas three times for accuracy and when the body is relaxed. The skinfold caliper is inexpensive, portable and can calculate body fat quickly.