How to Rapidly Gain Weight

You may want to gain weight quickly for a variety of reasons, including fitting into clothing and weighing in at the appropriate level for sporting events, such as wrestling. Rapid weight gain and loss can be unhealthy and difficult, but there are tips available for you to allow you to healthily alter your body size and shape. Bulking up requires attention to caloric intake and exercise. With carefully planned nutrition and exercise you can pack on pounds.

Things You'll Need

  • Weights
  • High protein foods
  • Carbohydrates
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      Consult a medical professional to ensure that weight gain, especially within a short time frame is healthy for you.

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      Avoid water filled food options such as grapes, celery and iceburg lettuce. These foods can trick your body into believing that it is full without a high enough caloric intake to gain weight. Instead, opt for raisins, carrots and romaine lettuce.

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      Eat a diet consisting mainly of carbohydrates which add calories without being overly filling. Add in healthy fats and proteins to add bulk to your frame.

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      Exercise regularly. Participate in a mixture of aerobic and weight training exercise. Opt for higher weights when lifting and fewer repetitions. Many repetitions with lighter weights builds lean muscle, while weight lifting with more weight for less time will add bulk.

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      Stay hydrated, but do not drink during meal time as it can trick your body into believing it is full. Instead, drink water and higher caloric drinks, such as juice and whole milk, at least a half an hour before sitting down for a meal.

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      Snack throughout the day on high protein foods such as nuts, meats, etc. to help increase caloric intake.

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